R'Nan T'lthk T'Ori

Nicknames/aliases: Tory Robichaud, R'Nan T'lthk Tory

Birthdate: 19864.136859462178 (November 12th, 2342)

Race: 3/4 Vulcan, 1/4 Human

Gender: Female/genderfluid

Pronouns: She/her, he/him for a time

Sexuality: Demisexual

Likes: Music, languages, plants

Dislikes: Injustice, ignorance, raccoons

T'Ori is, as one expects a Vulcan to be, introverted, scholarly, and far too honest. However, she managed to dissatisfy several family members by choosing a Starfleet career path in tactical analysis (with xenolinguistics on the side), and from there, moving into politics. Due to her human upbringing, she tends to have no problem grasping the "illogical" nature of Human emotion... at least, as an observer. Also due to her Human upbringing, she herself has the tendency to take risky decisions - which she calls "diplomacy" - and can be a magnet for chaos at times. She has a strong sense of justice and will not hesitate to be disruptive if she believes it will result in the correction of an injustice. She enjoys music (she sings), learning about different cultures, history, and strategy games. She tolerates the hard sciences. She does not like raccoons. T'Ori partially transitioned to male for several years and then detransitioned.
