Untried Affections is a story featuring a present-day human version of T'Ori, as Tori or Tory; a human AU, if you will. Generally speaking, it's a slice of life story with humour and romance. Most of the characters are human translations of the characters from Star-Crossed, although who's who might not be immediately obvious. The plot of this one is still not completely nailed down, although there are some common themes throughout iterations of the story.
Spencer is an old bachelor after the collapse of his previous long-term relationship... although old might be a bit of an exaggeration. Nearing 40, he thought he'd have a family by now, but instead, he has a mini-home full of pizza boxes and beer cans and a garage to run following his father's retirement. Occasionally, he has a girl home for the night, but nothing seems to stick. And being from a huge Irish Catholic family - all of his cousins are married with kids - he feels like he's failing to live up to expectations... not just his family's, but his own. But he's in a major rut, and he has no idea how to get out.
Then he meets Tori, gorgeous and serious, who comes to town to live with her mother, who is one of Spencer's neighbours. He's smitten, but Tori doesn't seem to even be on the same planet as he is when it comes to romance; she doesn't know when he's flirting, doesn't even pick up when he's asking her out. Worst of all, she has a stepbrother whose creepy best friend starts drooling whenever he sees her, and she may be too oblivious to notice this other guy's interest, too. How can either of them get through to a girl who simply seems to be unable to understand the game of love?
But Tori understands. She can tell this Spencer guy, the mechanic down the street, is interested in her, and that her stepbrother Sebastian's friend Gabe is very into her. But she's never had this happen before, so she plays it dumb, hoping it'll roll over and she won't have to think about it anymore. But her modern-day hippie mother wants her to finally, finally have a boyfriend. Tori isn't so sure; there are lots of things she keeps to herself that she's worried will make Spencer and Gabe run the other way. She's never been one for risks, but she knows she's watching her life pass her by. Will she ever work up the courage to overcome her fears?
To read about the characters, click one of their names below.
Victoria "Tori" Beaumont is a serious, studious sort of woman who has spent her life focused on academics and career. She spent some time in the city working for a paper, but her job got axed due to the changing trends in media, and so she moves in with her mother in middle-of-nowhere Greenwood, hoping to find something lowkey. Although, that isn't the whole story, and she's not about to share the truth with just anyone. Tori has an interest in music and vintage fashion, thanks to her eccentric musician grandfather, and an interest in animals and nature thanks to her mother. She is quite shy and a very private person, traits she inherited from her father. She struggles to express herself, especially when it concerns emotions for other people, but is more perceptive than people assume. Spencer Dunn is a long-time resident of Greenwood, where he grew up in a trailer park, his parents' only child. As a teen and young adult, he was a bit impulsive, but settled as he became more responsible for his father's business, Dunn Automotive in Greenwood, which he eventually inherited and became the owner. He's one of those people who can get along with mostly everyone, which makes him a good manager and owner, and he loves his community, which he interacts with through his business. However, after his fiancee left him for someone else, he's been a bit lost. Sure, he still has his business, but his trailer - in the same park where he grew up - is a pigsty, and he's been smoking a bit too much stuff with one of his buddies. He's lonely, in other words, and for a guy who loves to be in love, that's not easy. Gabriel "Gabe" Messner is a computer programmer and all around nerd who is the college buddy of Sebastian's, Tori's stepbrother. Gabe has the best intentions, but is, generally speaking, awkward and has no filter, although if you need IT help or need to solve almost any kind of practical problem, he's your guy. He enjoys board games, video games, computer games, anime and manga, and Magic the Gathering, which he plays with Sebastian and a few other guys every week. He's an otaku, and you really do not want to see his bedroom. He also enjoys attending conventions occasionally, which he also does with his buddies. His infatuation with Tori arises after seeing her Instagram account, where she has posted pictures of herself in cosplay as a handful of video game, fantasy, and anime characters. Sophie is Tori's mother. A bit of an eccentric (in the flower child way), she lives with her partner, Doug, outside of Greenwood proper, in what Tori affectionately refers to as a "fairy cottage". She's a strong feminist and into nature spirituality, and in many, many ways, is very different from her daughter, who is more like her ex-husband. She isn't very self-aware, but is always willing to lend a helping hand, and is especially thrilled to have Tori living with her, as they had been estranged for several years up to that point and she wants to rekindle their relationship, as Tori is her only child. She works part-time in retail in Greenwood proper, and sells from her garden in the summer at the local farmer's market. She thinks Tori needs to get out of her head and finally learn what womanhood is all about.
Tori Beaumont
Spencer Dunn
Gabe Messner
Sophie Weiss