Compendium: Home

What is the compendium?

The compendium lists the main stories I work on and draw from, giving a little summary of each and a little blurb about the main characters. It links directly to the gallery part of the website for each story as well. It gives context for the things I write and draw, and once again hopes to explain what I'm creating when people ask me about it.

Some of these stories have a "canon" storyline (the series of events the characters go through in their main story) as well as alternate universes (AUs) in which their stories are reimagined, just for fun, either because things go differently for them, or they live in a different time than their main story, or a whole different universe altogether. You can read about those by picking one of the stories.

It should be noted that the main characters of Untried Affections and Uncharted Future were originally the same, which is why the protagonists have the same name. Then, some things happened and they became their own people. You will also see both of these protagonists being depicted as both a feminine and a masculine way, and that is expanded on in each relevant section.

To explore these stories, choose one below:

Untried Affections Stony Ridge Uncharted Future