I'm Sarah (LibraryVulcan), and I am a person who draws and writes things. You may actually find some of that around this website! I have been doing both for my own entertainment (and sometimes for the amusement of others) for a very long time. I have never made any money from any of my art or writing and don't intend to do so. I also have a cat, so I will give you a picture of him since I won't be putting a picture of myself around here.
The website name "Dunap Ek'mishansu" (I'm not allowed apostrophes) is just my attempt to translate "library technician" into Vulcan. It may shock you to discover that my day job involves libraries.
Dunap Ek'mishansu is intended to be a rudimentary gallery so that when friends and family members ask what I'm writing and drawing about, I can just send them the link, if it wasn't apparent from the index page. If you would like a brief summary of that, here it is: my preferred genres are fantasy, science fiction, and slice of life/domestic, with a hint of humorous romance thrown in. I have a highly-involved Star Trek-related storyline that I've been working on for a few years. My slice of life stories revolve around characters based on the ones in the Star Trek storyline, who have sort of become their own thing. In fantasy, I write about fairies a lot, knights in shining armour, and magical cults. On occasion, I write "historical", that is, stories set in the 60s and 70s. All of that can be found in the compendium.
Updates are sporadic because, as previously mentioned, this is all for fun. Also, there may be some secret things hidden in different places around here, but I didn't say that.
Comments? Suggestions? Found a broken link? Feel free to send me an email here, because it turns out contact forms are complicated to code, and I'm not prepared to undertake that project at the moment.